Monday, November 23, 2009

Daren's IPT301 Week 9: Motivation

1. Do you think the students in your cohort classroom are more intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated? Why?

-I believe my class was more extrinsically motivated. It seemed that most of the time, the students were trying to complete a more boring project in order to do projects that were more fun like coloring or being a checker. There were also times in the lessons themselves where it seemed like the students had to do a part of the lesson that was less fun in order to move on to the end of the lesson which was the activity.

2. How are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation affected by rewards and praise?

-when students are learning through intrinsic motivation, it is important for teachers to be very carful with their rewards because they may make the students learning become extrinsic rather then intrinsic (they are doing the work to get the reward)

-When it comes to extrinsic motivation, rewards and praise are usually the main things that make this motivation work. Extrinsic motivation is where students are being motivated due to external rewards such as reward parties, stickers, a positive complement from the teacher, etc. Therefore, rewards and praises become one of the main roots that allow extrinsic motivation to work.

3. Why do expectancies and values influence student motivation?

-when a student expects something of themselves, there are going to be more willing to work harder to achieve that expectation because that goal is something that they feel they should be able to do or want to do. Same thing goes for values. If a student has a high value on something, they will do more to complete that task that they value since it is something that interests them. Yet at the same time, having low expectancies and values will have the reverse effect on students in that they will work less or not be motivated to accomplish a task.

4. Describe some examples of student-level and classroom-level strategies for increasing motivation that you saw in the classroom?

-Student-level- One type of motivation I saw on the student level was the job of being a checker. If a student was able to complete a task first and did it correctly, they were given the job to check all the other students work for that assignment. Many times the students would also be rewarded with a piece of candy for when they worked hard on their projects.

-Classroom-level- For a classroom motivation, the students were motivated with the knowledge that if they were good, they would get a reward party. In the back of the room was a paper party clock that the teacher would move every so often when the students were good. When the hand got to 12:00, the students got a party. Because of this knowledge, the students as a class were motivated to behave well and work hard so that they could get a party.

5. Of the behavioral, cognitive, and self-worth motivation theories, with which theory do you most agree and why?

-I agree with the self-worth motivation theory the most. I believe that students need to know that they have abilities and that they themselves can complete task and be competent in them. Now this does not mean that we should protect a students feelings at all cost, but it does mean that we should have a focus that is directed at helping a student have a greater self worth.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Daren's 3 lesson plans for IPT287

Here are the links to my three lesson plans:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Daren's tec. Videos: most important idea, Week 10

While watching the three videos that showed how teacher used technology in their class, I learned that technology can be a very important due to its ability in letting students communicate during their education. Weather it is communicating with other students from other schools or having information communicated to the students from the web, technology is an important part of helping students to speak out and learn from the world rather then just being confined to the walls of their classroom.

Using technology to communicate with the outside world also allows teachers to open up to many more learning experiences for their students. For example, instead of just doing activities within their schools, teachers can set up a system on a website where students can communicate with other students in a completely different area. Dong this would not only allow the class to have another interactive experiences with other students, but would also show children that some people may see thing differently depending on where they live. This example is one of many communicating ideas that a teacher could do with technology in their classroom.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Daren IPT 287: Technology that is Avaliable

When looking around my teachers room, there is not really a lot of technology in the room itself. All that the room really contains is a overhead projector, CD player, a TV with a DVD player and a microphone sound system. Now, although the room only has a few technological things, it there is a little computer lab area right outside the classroom door with about 11 computers that all the class of that grade level share that can be used. Aside from these technologies, the teacher also has many other technologies such as a projector, digital cameras, smart board, and many other things that that are shared by all the teachers in the school that the teacher can arrange to have in her room.

Along with this paragraph, I have also completed the midcourse evaluation as well as the informed consent.