Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Daren's IPT 287 internet saftey assigment

Article I read

The article I choose to read was the article from the For Strength of Youth pamphlet. Having been many years since I have been in the youth program, I though that it would be a good reminder to see what the church has to offer the youth about media. What the article continue was much different from what I remembered as a youth and reminded me that there are many threats that the youth in our church hast to deal with.

Video Resources

The video resources I watch were very eye opening. Through them, I was able to see many hardships that people faced that were related to internet problems. From child predators to cyber bulling, I saw that there are many problems people (not only children) can have if they are not wise with the way they use the internet.


Although there were many take-aways from the information I looked out, there were two things that stood out the most to me. First of all, you need to be very careful with the information you put on the internet. Even if the information you put on seems harmless, there are still many ways it can be used against you if it falls into the wrong hands. Second, special measures need to be taken with chatrooms. Although chatrooms may not seem bad, many of the examples I saw of people having problems seemed to start in the chatroom. Because of this, I feel that children (or adults for that matter) should not use chatrooms. It just does not seem worth the risk.

Doing Experience

After asking my person about what they knew about internet safety, I was not really surprised. The person I talked to knew all about how you should have blockers on your internet to keep bad stuff out and how you should have your computer in a well traffic place. My person also seemed to know about the problems with chatrooms and other things. What my person did not know was the degree to how bad some of these things can be. They did not know that how little of information a person needs to start out with in order to find where somebody lives. Nor did they know the degrees of dangerous cyber bulling or chatrooms can be. By informing them about the problems that can happen over the internet, I do not feel that I scared them, but I do feel that I gave them information that will help them improve what they know and keep their families safe.

I have also done parts 2-4 of my week 14 assigment.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

IPT 301 Week 10, Personal and Moral Development

Week 10, Personal and Moral Development

  1. Tell me about something interesting that you read in Modules 2, 3, or 5 and how it relates to you personally.

-One thing that really interested me was when they talked about young people finding their identity. It is very interesting to me how so many things can affect a person’s identity such as ethnics, race, or gender. It is also interesting to me how certain identities are expected of people because their background rather then their personality. For example, many people expect me to behave a certain way or have certain interest because I am a boy. But in many cases, I would not be in the categories of a typical male due to the fact that the only siblings I had were sisters who had a great impact on me and the type of identity I developed.

  1. Please take this short 7 question survey on Qualtrics concerning the helpfulness of the assignments for this class.

-I did do the survey

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Daren's ipt287 TPACK project report

Here is my TPACK project report.