Thursday, October 8, 2009

Daren's IPT 301 Questions 6

Week 6 Behaviorism

1. List an example of contiguity learning from your own experience both in and outside of school.
-outside of school, as a child I learned through contiguity learning that whenever there was a car with flashing lights or making lots of sound, the car you are in needs to move over to the side because there is an emergency and the important vehicles like the ambulance and fire truck need to get by. As for in the school, a type of contiguity learning I had was during art class. Many times my art teacher would hold up pictures during the class showing different examples of the types of art we were doing. Having these examples helped me to learn the art styles quicker because I had an idea of what the outcome of the art should look like.

2. Describe some effective reinforcements you remember as an elementary school child.
-One of the biggest positive reinforcement I remembered in my elementary class was what we called the paper clip party. In our room we were put into different desk groups. When a group was good, they would get a paperclip that they would hang on a chain from the ceiling. When the paperclip chain reached the desks, that group was allowed to have a desk party during class. This positive reinforcement was very effective in the fact that we always want to behave because we new eventually we would be able to have a fun, enjoyable party during class. This was something that I have never seen done in another class since then.

3. Describe how you could use reinforcement schedules in the classroom.
-First, teachers can do reinforcement schedules by allowing the class to have a longer recess if they behave. A teacher can also have the positive reinforcement of allowing more fun curriculum activities such as children having more time to work on projects while talking to their friends, or having more time to read books of their choice. Both of these cases can work for positive reinforcement scheduling, but there are cases where they may also not work due to the fact that the students of that class may not like the specific positive reinforcement they are getting.

4. Identify potential contradictions between behaviorism and the gospel perspective of agency.
-When you look at our gospel, one of the biggest focuses is that we are given agency. This means that we are able to choice the things that we want to do weather they are right or wrong. Behaviorism does not follow this. With behaviorism, you are trying to control the behavior of the person to get them to do something. This in a senses is taking away choice since you are trying to get them to do only one thing rather than to choice between many things.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the paper clip idea—how creative and fun! What did you do for a "desk party"?
