Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 2 question IP&T 301

1. What is Bloom’s Taxonomy and what are the six areas that comprise it?
-Bloom’s Taxonomy is a categorization of six learning objectives which includes both lower and higher lever objects. The areas of comprise that are stated are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.

2. What is the difference between validity and reliability? Why are these chractersitcs of high quality test?
-Validity means that a test gives you the correct results while reliability means that the test gives you the same results over and over. Therefore, if a test is has validity, it will be reliable because it gives you the correct results every time. On the other hand, a test can be reliable but not valid in that it is constantly giving you the wrong answer every time.

3. Give an example of a product performance assessment and a process performance assessment.
-Process Performance Assessment- a coach watches as a student hits a tennis ball against a wall and then provides feedback on their hitting, performance assessment- a student builds a table to demonstrate is woodworking skills.

4. Describe three different ways to evaluate performance assessment.
-you can use a checklist to check off specific elements that the students demonstrates during the assessment, you can use a rating scale to indicated the quality of performance the student portrays on the assessment, you can use a rubric as a means to score the student on the multiple criteria that the assessment is looking at

5. Why would an elementary school teacher need to be concerned with assessment bias?
-Sometimes elementary teacher can be effective in the way that children act or how hard they try on an assignment. For example, a teacher may see that a student tried very hard to complete a assignment, yet still did not do to well. Because the teacher does not want to give a bad grade to a young student, they may rate them higher then they actually deserve. This in turn is a form of bias and is not a far assessment.

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